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Starting a Fire with Smokeless Fuel

With gas prices rising we’ve seen a lot of people making the decision to switch to solid fuels. Some have never used a coal fire before and others have never used the smokeless alternative, so we've also been answering a few questions in the shop.

We thought we'd put together a quick and basic guide on how to get a fire started with smokeless fuel.

Before you get going though, check here to see if you are if you're 'ready to burn'. Only smokeless coal and certain firewood can be burnt in smoke controlled areas, which includes the majority of the postcodes we deliver to.



What you’ll need:
  1. First, sweep the grate clear of old ash/debris. Smokeless fuel burns from the bottom up so you'll need the air to circulate efficiently.

  2. Lay out one or two firelighters roughly in the middle of the grate.

  3. Collect a bunch of kindling and build it evenly around the firelighters, creating a chamber by placing some over the lighters, but leaving enough space for a match to get through.

  4. Take your safety matches and ignite the firelighters.

  5. Once the kindling starts to burn on its own, gradually shovel in one or two scoops of smokeless fuel, making sure you don’t smother the flame.

  6. The kindling wood should burn long enough to create a hot airflow and alongside the open flames, should cause the smokeless fuel to ignite.

  7. Leave the fire to settle, you’ll notice that after a while the centre becomes visibly hot.

  8. Homefire products such as the Smokeless Coal and Ecoal50 should produce a nice flame, but if you’re looking to create a dramatic open fire, many people add a log or two after it's reached this maximum temperature. (This in't advisable if you're using an open fireplace/chimney)

  9. If you're using a fireguard, make sure you keep it in place, no matter how long you’re leaving the fire for.

  10. Enjoy the fire and warmth!